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Showing posts from June, 2010

Forecast Public Art

My new favorite website is It has great news about innovation, development and creativity in the twin cities area. A nice interview with Jack Becker from Forecast Public Art is featured. Forecast has been a tenant at Midtown Commons since 1992. We are pleased to see their organization grow. I also read a great article about the new development The Lyric apartments - They are wonderful apartments just opened in the MidCity area, the neighborhood around the proposed LRT station at Raymond. I am excited to be a part of the growing "MidCity" area.

20 New Trees in the Midway!

Originally the building at 700 Raymond had two trees in front, and a box elder tree in the back, now the building will have an assortment of around 20 trees - maples, birch, honey locust and crab apples. In addition to a storm water pond and a variety of bushes and flowers will be planted. And of course, no ash trees! Update Company is proud to have established over 70 trees at the dozen or so buildings we have developed. O ur tenants love the beautiful flower planters at Midtown Commons. Oldtimers (like me) remember when there was no grass in the MidCity (Raymond & University) area, except for occaisional weeds. We are excited to see other developments like the Carleton Lofts adding green to the area. Take a walk or bike ride down to 700 Raymond and see watch our new building grow!

The Central Corridor Raymond Station

Should it be called Raymond Station? Since planning started, there has been a light rail station at Raymond Avenue. But outside of the Midway area, not many people know where Raymond Avenue is. Should we come up with a more unique name for our corner of the the West Midway? I suggest Mid-City Station .